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DVB-T2 Workshop India

ABU, DVB and Doordarshan India will be hosting a joint DVB-T2 Implementation Workshop in New Delhi on 4-6 December 2012. This special workshop is a unique opportunity to learn everything about DVB-T2 implementation, technologies and products and a chance for manufacturers to explore this potentially largest DVB-T2 market in the world. You can now register and download the workshop programme. Read More

DVB-T2 Workshop India

ABU, DVB and Doordarshan India will be hosting a joint DVB-T2 Implementation Workshop in New Delhi on 4-6 December 2012. This special workshop is a unique opportunity to learn everything about DVB-T2 implementation, technologies and products and a chance for manufacturers to explore this potentially largest DVB-T2 market in the world. You can now register and download the workshop programme. Read More

DVB World 2013 - Save the Date

For nearly 20 years, DVB and its digital TV standards have been at the forefront of digital TV. What technical and social developments can we expect in the near future, what will TV look like in another 20 years and what role will standards play? Join DVB World 2013 to find out! (March 11-13) Read More

DVB World 2013 - Save the Date

For nearly 20 years, DVB and its digital TV standards have been at the forefront of digital TV. What technical and social developments can we expect in the near future, what will TV look like in another 20 years and what role will standards play? Join DVB World 2013 to find out! (March 11-13) Read More

Azerbaijan B&B TV Chooses DVB-T2 Transmitters

Thomson Broadcast announced that B&B TV Communication, the entity responsible for wireless-cable broadcasting of radio and television channels in Read More

DVB-C2 Patent Pool Makes Progress

Sisvel announced at IBC2012 that it has been coordinating meetings among owners of patents essential to the DVB-C2 standard for the purpose of creating a patent pool to offer licenses under their combined portfolio of patents to make DVB- C2 technology accessible to all users on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms and conditions. Read More

Romania - Consultation calls for use of DVB-T2

The Ministry of Communications has opened a consultation on its draft plans for digital switchover. As part of its strategy, the government calls Read More

Turkey Selects DVB-T2

The authority on the digital terrestrial switchover – RTÜK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) has decided that the transition will begin in Read More

Digital TV Migration makes progress in South Africa

The Department of Communication recently pointed out that the South African Bureau of Standards was currently establishing an STB conformance lab, to Read More

DVB @ IBC 2012

On Friday September 7th IBC 2012 will open its doors and DVB and multiple supporting DVB member companies will again be present to show the efficiency of DVB-T2, T2-Lite, DVB-3DTV and more. The conference will feature a dedicated DVB session on September 8th and a free Future of Broadcast TV session on the 11th. See you on September 7th on stand 1.D81! Read More

FOBTV Initiative Announces Leadership

The Management Committee of the Future of Broadcast Television (FoBTV) Initiative, which was officially formed in Las Vegas last week during the NAB Show, today announced its leadership team. Mark Richer has been elected FoBTV Chairman. Richer is President of the Advanced Television Systems Committee, one of the 13 global technology and standards organizations that founded the FoBTV Initiative. Phil Laven, Chairman of DVB, was named FoBTV Vice Chairman. The first Chairman of the newly formed FoBTV Technical Committee is Dr. Wenjun Zhang, Chief Scientist, NERC-DTV. Read More

Croatia to launch pay DTT

Croatian transmission company OiV and Croatia Post (HP) are planning to launch a pay DTT service using the DVB-T2 standard in November. HP, which Read More