Policies & Procedures

The governing document of the DVB Project is its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The DVB Steering Board has adopted Rules and Procedures covering, among other matters, membership, participation in DVB activities and elections. The Rules and Procedures are largely a compilation of practices DVB has developed since its inception.

Annexes to the Rules and Procedures cover document disclosure, antitrust guidelines and remote participation in meetings. Other key documents available from this page include DVB’s copyright policy and logistical guidelines for organizing meetings.

IPR Policy

DVB’s innovative policy on intellectual property rights is laid out in Article 14 of the MoU.

Its most significant features are the commitment of each member to grant licenses to essential patents unless it gives notice that its patents are unavailable, and DVB’s active encouragement to the formation of patent pools covering DVB standards. These measures protect the interests of those with IPRs to license, and those who are licensing the IPRs, in order to deploy DVB products and services in the market place.

* This article, a commentary on the IPR policy of the DVB Project, was published in the International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research. © 2008, 2009, IGI Global. Used by permission of the publisher.

Questions on the IPR policy of the DVB Project can be addressed to the chair of the IPR Module, Georg Nolte, georg.nolte@eu.panasonic.com, or to the DVB Project Office, dvb@dvb.org.