RfP released for DVB-MABR validation tool
DVB has today issued a request for proposals (RfP) to supply an open-source tool for the verification and validation of DVB-MABR, the specification for adaptive media streaming over IP multicast. Proposals should be submitted by 8 January 2024. Updates will be posted on the RfPs page of this website.
Multicast technologies enable a scalable and efficient approach to delivering services over managed networks. The DVB-MABR specification, offering a standards-based approach to multicast delivery, was first published in 2020. In addition to providing specifications, the DVB Project also aims to provide verification and validation (V&V) materials as an integral part of its process.
Potential suppliers are invited to submit proposals to develop an open-source tool that implements a subset of functions of the multicast server and the multicast gateway. The RfP provides details on the expected deliverables for each phase of the project along with information on how the proposal should be structured.
The deadline for potential responders to ask questions related to the RfP is 8 December 2023.
Open-source workshop
Those with an interest in open-source media applications may wish to join the OSMART #2 workshop on 6 and 7 December, hosted by DVB in collaboration with several other partner organizations.