The power of DVB-T2 in Singapore
Visitors to the DVB stand at this year’s Broadcast Asia can witness the groundbreaking demo of DVB-T2 delivering a wide range of resolutions from UHD down to the smaller screen resolutions for mobile devices. The presentation underlines the power and flexibility of this second-generation standard.
Using the DVB-T2 terrestrial transmission standard, a UHD service utilizing HEVC encoding and a mobile service are being delivered in a single 8 MHz channel. This is enabled through the use of Multiple PLPs (Physical Layer Pipes), a feature of DVB-T2 that allows for the separate adjustment of the robustness of each delivered service within a channel to meet the required reception conditions.
The UHD service is received and displayed on a 55” TV from Sony with built-in HEVC decoder. UHD as well as mobile content has been supplied and encoded by Envivio, The mobile service is received on a mobile phones and tablets with embedded DVB-T2 receivers from Samart I-Mobile and Aprotech.
Visitors that are registered for the conference will be able to attend the Broadcast and Engineering session on day two of the conference. This session will be entirely devoted to DVB in Asia and advanced broadcast solutions. Delegates will hear presentations given by DVB experts that will provide updates on the latest developments in DVB standards and will acquire in-depth knowledge on such DVB standards as DVB-S2, DVB-T2 and DVB-CI Plus, to name just a few. In addition there will be a panel discussion on “DTT Experiences & What are the Key Opportunities”.