Updates for DVB-I and DVB-MABR plus DVB-MABR implementation guidelines
Three new DVB BlueBooks, all linked to DVB’s suite of internet-centric solutions, have been published following their approval at a recent meeting of the organization’s Technical Module. Two are revisions of existing specifications – DVB-I and DVB-MABR – and the third is a new set of implementation guidelines for DVB-MABR.
You can find all DVB standards and BlueBooks in our Specifications Library.
BlueBook A177r3 is an update of the specification for Service Discovery and Programme Metadata for DVB-I.
This latest revision includes several clarifications and amendments to address issues raised in recent industry activities, especially in relation to hybrid broadcast/broadband scenarios. It also provides functional improvements, such as the ability to provide a larger format graphical element to represent a service, a hierarchical natural-language definition process in line with that used by TV-Anytime, and support for a large number of categories and items in box sets.
You can learn more about DVB-I at dvb-i.tv.
BlueBook A176r2 is the third edition of the DVB-MABR specification, for Adaptive Media Streaming over IP Multicast. It includes editorial and functional adjustments based on feedback received on the previous editions. These include additional guidance on configuring multicast gateways and servers, and updates related to unidirectional deployments (for example, in connection with the forthcoming DVB Native IP specification).
To further help implementers, set of implementation guidelines and fully worked examples for a variety of different system deployment configurations has been published in a companion technical report, DVB BlueBook A181.
The TM-MCAST working group now turns its attention to addressing new functionalities identified in the DVB-MABR commercial requirements. The Phase 2 specification is on track to be ready for publication during the second half of 2022. The implementation guidelines will then also be extended accordingly.