New Deutsche TV-Plattform report highlights most important DVB-I use cases

The Deutsche TV-Plattform has published a report describing relevant DVB-I use cases for the German market. Developed by the association’s DVB-I Taskforce, the report is aimed at decision-makers along the television value chain, highlighting the potential of the DVB-I specification and its advantages for the market participants identified, including end users.

While intended for stakeholders in Germany, the report is likely to be of great interest to their counterparts across Europe and further afield, since many of the challenges and opportunities are replicated in other markets. Published only in German, the report is available for download here: 

Use cases covered relate to business models, user experience, distribution platforms and more. For each use case, the most important DVB-I features are described in brief. The report does not comment on how the use cases should be realized from a technical point of view.

The full list of use cases described by the report is as follows:

  1. Transfer of the familiar user experience of linear TV to streaming
  2. Findability (prominence, regionalization)
  3. Securing horizontal market models
  4. Independence from individual distribution technologies
  5. Control of distribution according to economic and ecological aspects
  6. Expanded additional services
  7. Linking linear and non-linear use (metadata, content discovery)
  8. New programmes and channels (playlists, event streams, applications)
  9. Customer journey across device boundaries
  10. Revenue models, subscription services and digital rights management

The Deutsche TV-Plattform is an association of over 50 members, including private and public broadcasters, streaming providers, device manufacturers, internet companies, infrastructure operators, service and technology providers, research institutes and universities, federal and state authorities and other companies, associations and institutions involved in digital media. It was founded in 1990 with the aim of supporting the introduction of digital technologies based on open standards.

The association’s DVB-I Taskforce is led by Peter Pogrzeba of Deutsche Telekom, while its working group on media over IP is led by Zattoo’s Niklas Brambring. The report was authored by representatives of BMT, Deutsche Telekom, Hisense, rbb, RTL Deutschland, Vodafone, WDR and ZVEI.

Find out more about DVB-I at: