NAB 2024 paper highlights promise of interworking between DVB and 3GPP networks
The DVB Project’s Head of Technology, Emily Dubs, spoke at the 2024 NAB Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology (BEIT) conference in Las Vegas on Monday. She presented her paper, titled How IP-based broadcast meets 5G for resilient and sustainable media distribution, that describes how technologies from DVB and 3GPP can interwork in a mutually beneficial way.
Her presentation at the BEIT conference, which was part of a session on the Application of 5G in Broadcasting, focused in particular on the promise of deploying DVB-I as a standardized service layer for 5G technologies. This can allow both New Radio-based 5G networks (using 5G Media Streaming) and LTE-based 5G Broadcast to carry services with an appropriate – standardized and ‘TV-friendly’ – service layer facilitating commercial success.
She also described how combining DVB terrestrial or satellite broadcast networks, DVB-DASH streaming and DVB Native IP together with 5G networks enables deployment scenarios where those networks can complement each other for their own strengths and facilitate migration journeys.
Paper and slides
The full paper on which her presentation was based is available for download here. The slides presented are also available for download. The paper includes the following sections:
Broadcasting Standards’ Road to IP, Multimedia and Mobile
- First-Generation DTTB Standards: The First Building Blocks
- Second-Generation DTTB Standards: Paving the Way for Multimedia Broadcasting (including the latest IP-based standards: ATSC 3.0 and DVB Native IP (DVB-NIP/T2))
3GPP’s Path Towards Broadcast and the UHF band
- 5G Broadcast’s Foundations and Variants
- 5G Broadcast Features and Value Proposition
- Prospects and Challenges for 5G Broadcast
- 5G Media Streaming (5GMS)
Ongoing Initiatives and Perspectives for Interworking
- ATSC’s Global Harmonization Efforts
- Interworking at the System Core – ATSC Broadcast Core Network
- Coexistence at the RF Level – Time Division Multiplexing
- Interworking at the Service Layer – DVB-I over 5G