Digital TV Switch Over by 2013

On the 16th September the New Zealand Government announced that NZ will complete the switch to digital television by 2013.
“Our election promise was to achieve digital switchover (DSO) by 2015 at the latest. With 70 percent of New Zealand households already watching digital television, we are in a good position to set a date for DSO,” said Broadcasting Minister Jonathan Coleman.
“In achieving DSO by the end of 2013, all of New Zealand will receive the benefit of enhanced reception, better picture quality and more channels. There will also be a substantial wider economic benefit generated by the use of freed up spectrum for new technology” he went on to say.
Digital switchover will be phased starting with Hawke’s Bay and the West Coast in September 2012. The rest of the country will switch over in three stages with an end date of November 2013
A campaign will be launched later this year to provide additional information and support for the forthcoming transition to an all digital service.
Source: Digital TV
Item added: 20th September 2010