Communications Minister Paolo Gentiloni Constitutes “Digital Italy”

Italy’s Communications Minister Paolo Gentiloni has announced the formation of “Italia Digitale” a committee of organisations which will define and co-ordinate the necessary activities for the transition to digital television and the subsequent switch of existing analogue services.
The committee is made up of representatives from various organisations with an interest in the change these include: 3 Electronica, AGCOM, Ministry of Communications, Alps Association, Coord. to Aeranti Corallo, Fastweb, Foundation UGO Bordoni, FRT, Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, Prima TV, RAI, Independent region of Sardinia, Independent region of Aosta, Rete Capri, RTI-Reti Televisive, SKY, Telecom Italia Media.
A committee chaired by Minister Gentiloni, has also been set up to co-ordinate the whole activity and consisting of representatives from AGCOM, DGTVi, Ministry of Communications, RAI and RTI.
Source: Il Ministero Delle Comunicazioni
Item added: 22nd August 2006