Call for speakers issued as DVB World moves to Munich
DVB World 2024 will take place in Munich, at the smartvillage Bogenhausen, on 19 and 20 March. While the unconference format, highly popular with attendees in 2022 and 2023, will be retained for the second day of the event, a more traditional programme of keynotes, presentations and panels will be added for the opening afternoon. A Call for Speakers has been opened.
The addition of a half-day conference is in response to suggestions from participants on ways to improve the quality of the unconference discussions. Having a programme of presentations the day before the unconference will allow attendees to get updated on the latest developments in the world of DVB solutions and start thinking about possible future directions.
Another innovation will involve the possibility to submit and discuss potential unconference sessions before travelling to Munich – this will follow at the start of 2024.
New location
The venue for DVB World 2024 is a modern space with a selection of agile work environments, perfect for the highly participatory sessions of an unconference. Following two successful years in Brussels, DVB World moves to another European hub, with excellent connections by road, rail and air.
The deadline for the Call for Speakers is 30 October. Registration for DVB World 2024 will open in December.