AnixeNet joins the DVB Project
The DVB Steering Board has approved the membership of AnixeNet, a Greece-based company specializing in hybrid television solutions.
While the main focus of AnixeNet has up to now been on interactive television based on HbbTV technologies, it is increasingly involved in projects related to DVB-I and 5G Broadcast (FeMBMS).
“We are excited to participate in the DVB Project,” said Emmanouil Lapidakis, CEO. “AnixeNet cooperates with large organizations and broadcasters. As a technology development company, we contribute through proofs-of-concept to advance technologies in video delivery and distribution, such as HbbTV, DVB-I and 5G Broadcast.”
Join DVB
If your company would like to join the DVB Project and contribute to designing the future of media delivery, you can find out more about membership here.