DVB-CSA3 (Third Generation Common Scrambling Algorithm)
Support for use of the DVB Scrambling Algorithm version 3 within digital broadcasting systems
The present document describes the minimum set of common CA elements necessary to achieve interoperability between different CA Systems, in particular to support the implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling version 3 algorithm (CSA v3) within digital broadcasting systems.
The present document provides for support for the implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling version 3 algorithm (CSA v3) within digital broadcasting systems. Considering that there will be several Conditional Access solutions based on ISO/IEC 13818-1 (MPEG-2) and the DVB specifications, the present document specifies the common signalling aspects as well as operational guidelines relevant for CA solutions. The present document provides hence the basis for co-existence of multiple Conditional Access Systems in a single Transport Stream.