DVB-H launch in Finland comes a step closer

11 May 2006

Earlier this year Finnish company Digita was awarded the operating license for a DVB-H network in Finland. Today Digita has signed a contract with Nokia covering the supply of a DVB-H mobile TV platform. Digita will be responsible for the broadcasting network and administration of channels as the network operator.

The first stage of network rollout in 2006 will cover the area inside the Ring Road III in the Helsinki region and the cities of Turku, Tampere, and Oulu. The network will reach 29 percent of the population in Finland by the end of 2006. Digita has already made plans to extend the network to cover the majority of Finns. Negotiations with the possible service operators have been based on these plans.

More information can be found on the launch of DVB-H in Finland and elsewhere at www.dvb-h.org.