Only 120 of Brazil’s 10,000 TV Transmitter licences converted to ISDB-T

US Broadcast company Harris has announced the launch of a new broadcast manufacturing facility in Campinas Brazil, 80 miles northwest of Sao Paulo. The new plant will produce Harris Maxiva UAX air-cooled solid-state transmitters for sale across Brazil, Mercosur, (the common market of South America) and other Latin American countries.
Brazilian broadcasters are preparing for an analog shut down in 2016 when they will be required by law to adopt the ISDB-Tb digital format.
Harris said that to date, only 120 of the approximately 10,000 TV licensees in Brazil have made the conversion to digital.
The slow progress in the transition to DTT in Brazil may explain their need to persuade other countries to adopt the same system so that set top boxes prices, which are currently too high, are reduced by economies of scale, to a level that is acceptable to the population.
Source: Invest in Brazil and Harris
Item added: 31st August 2010