Towercom wins Slovak DTT contest

The national transmission company Towercom has been awarded a licence to operate what will be Slovakia’s fourth DTT multiplex.
In a statement, the Slovak Telecom Office (TUSR) said that its decision to grant the licence, which is understood to be for a period of 18 years, was made by a five-member selection committee and adopted a technologically neutral position, allowing the bidder to use DVB or DVB-T2 and MPEG-2 or MPEG-4.
However, the regulator also called for amendments to the Digital Broadcasting Act, under which its decision was made.
Towercom beat off competition from Telecom Corp in securing the licence and will now enjoy monopoly status, operating all four of Slovakia’s DTT multiplexes.
Source: Broadband TV News
Item added: 19th December 2011